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Take Control of Your Financial Narrative Blog

Taking Control of Your Financial Narrative Thumbnail

Taking Control of Your Financial Narrative

Taking Control of Your Financial Narrative. Going through the motions of life makes it seem like many aspects are completely out of our control. This is a common misconception, while there are areas that we have no control over. there are a few areas that we have control and have some control.

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Paying Off Student Loans Thumbnail

Paying Off Student Loans

After graduating from college and beginning your career, it’s important to create a detailed plan for how to pay back your student loans in an efficient and timely manner. By remaining disciplined, you will also build a positive credit history for other important purchases.

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The Importance of Creating a Will Thumbnail

The Importance of Creating a Will

It might be difficult to think about what could happen to your financial assets after you pass away. However, it is essential to plan for even the unexpected by creating a will. This will help ensure that your beneficiaries are taken care of in accordance with your wishes.

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