Taco Soup Recipe
15 minute Prep Time - 45 minute to an hour stovetop (or 6-hour crockpot)
Brown the ground beef in a large skillet: drain the excess fat, then transfer the browned beef to a large slow cooker or a stockpot. Add the remaining ingredients except for corn chips and grated cheese. Cook in a slow cooker on low for 6 - 8 hours or simmer over low heat for about 1 hr in a pot on the stove. To serve, ladle soup into bowls. You can put corn chips in prior to ladle or use scoops. Top with grated cheese, if desired.
Yield: 10 meals based on our helping sizes. We use Corning Ware Soup Mugs for our servings.
Why we use this recipe:
Our family has gone through multiple taco soup variations, to find the one best for us. This particular version is a variation of a recipe by Paula Deen.
We use Hidden Valley Ranch packets and make our own Taco Seasoning ensuring the recipe remains Gluten-Free. Personally, I prefer to use the stovetop and stockpot for this soup.
This soup can be budget-friendly with the number of meals that is provides.
Before Winter starts each year, we will typically make a double batch and freeze a good portion of the soup in quart-size bags (2 helpings) to make it easier to prepare as a nightly meal.