Tid-Bit Tuesday: Jelly Beans
Tid-Bit Tuesday -Jelly Beans
As far as candy goes, this is one of my favorite times of the year due to all the flavors and variety of Jelly Beans that come out. Given that I'm allergic to Chocolate and Gluten, Jelly Beans are generally a "safe" candy item.
I've never been one for the Jelly Belly any random Jelly Bean could be a random flavor as I like to know what to expect.
I was recently talking with my co-worker Cole about affinity for Jelly Beans this time of year. He asked me a tough question, which kind is my favorite?.....
I took a while to think this over and came up with this ranking:
- Speckled (mainly due to this kind has been around since I was a young child)
- SweetTart, I prefer the Jelly Beans over the actual SweetTart candy
- Funfetti, This is a new variety that my wife found at the store this year
- Starburst, whether Fave Red or Original.