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Co-Author Program

with John B. Bennett, CFP®

Financial Planning for those getting started

Simple First, Detailed Later – I try to simplify things for our clients first rather than overwhelm them with charts and graphs. Always ask: what would make this easy? We will only layer on complexity as needed.

You are the Experts – I co-create financial plans with clients as the the planner only acts as a guide. We work together to make recommendations that are attainable.

Curiosity – I am committed to asking more questions to better understand clients’ lives and make more informed recommendations. I am always looking for ways to be better for our clients and ourselves.


  1. Financial Plan
  2. Investment Management / Advice*
  3. Debt Management Analysis
  4. College Planning, Aid Analysis
  5. Monitoring of Each Aspect of Your Agile Financial Plan
  6. Ongoing Meetings and Phone Calls
  7. Working on Your Behalf with Your Tax Planner and other professionals or recommendation for Tax          Planner, Insurance Producer, Estate Attorney, etc. 
  8. Unlimited Email Support - Life pops up in-between our meetings - Have a question? Send an email         and I'll work to get you an answer 

My approach is to help you use your money to match your values so you can live an incredible life!

If you’re ready for actionable financial planning advice to help you take control of your money and finances, then you’ve come to the right place.

It’s time to stop making haphazard decisions about your finances and instead talk to a  CFP®  professional (who will act as a fiduciary) to help you take control so you can reach multiple financial goals simultaneously!

New Ongoing financial planning clients with a 12-month commitment.

John’s New Client Fees start at $200 upfront and $50 per month

If you’d like to implement a plan that will take into account your future without sacrificing today, contact John today!

Schedule a Call

* Investment Management is typically provided through an Advisory account with a monthly charge (separate from the Financial Planning fee) based on the assets in the account. I use Pershing LLC as custodian for Advisory accounts.